B-14 B-14
Upper Overlays
The welding technique set in the tolerance editor and
other process details are displayed on the upper right
portion of the screen.
Push Buttons
Selecting Logout brings the user back to the login
screen, with the userʼs name removed.
Action Button
The orange action menu button has the following
• Clean
• Trim
• Quench
• New Stick
These options are only available when applicable to
the welding process.
Clean removes the weld slag. Trim cuts back the VR
GMAW or VR FCAW wire. Quench simulates quickly
cooling the metal. New Stick extends the rod stick out
to a fixed length on the VR SMAW device to simulate
replacing the consumed rod.
Visual Cues
The yellow visual cues menu button has the following
• “Cheater” Lens – Off 1.25X, 1.5X, 1.75X, 2X
• Travel Speed Visual Cue
• CTWD (Contact To Work Distance) Visual Cue
• Arc Length Visual Cue
• Travel/Work Angles Visual Cue
Visual cues are aids to help users learn faster. The
travel speed, CTWD, arc length, and travel/work angle
cues indicate whether the user is within the tolerances
set in the tolerances editor. Generally, these cues are
color coded as well as symbolic. When cues are red,
they indicate being out of tolerance. Yellow cues indi-
cate close to tolerance, but not optimal. Green cues
indicate being within tolerance and close to optimal.
The “Cheater” Lens magnifies the image as seen by
the user in the helmet and in the welderʼs view. The
user can toggle between 1.25X, 1.5X, 1.75X, 2X select
their option with the red select button.
Travel Speed turns on the travel speed visual cue.
This cue is located on the side of the VR
GMAW/FCAW Gun or VR SMAW device. This cue
uses the color coding position to indicate travel speed.
Note: The goal is to get the arrow pointing up while
keeping it green.
The CTWD (Contact To Work Distance) cue is only
available for processes using the VR GMAW and VR
FCAW gun. This cue uses color and position to indicate
proper CTWD. The goal is to get the tip of the green
arrow on the line of the “H” bar and keep the arrow
color green.
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