1. Refer to Figure F.12 for component locations.
2. Remove the engine spark plug wires.
3. With a 5/16” nut driver or socket, remove the 6
sheet metal screws from the case top.
4. Remove the rubber gasket (cover seal) from the
lift bail.
5. Remove the fuel cap. The rubber gasket for the fill
tube will come off with the case top.
6. Remove the case top, the reinstall the fuel cap.
7. Remove the 5 screws holding the right case side
and the 5 screws holding the left case side.
8. Remove the case sides by lifting up and out.
9. WIth a 3/8” wrench or socket, remove the battery
10. Disconnect the negative battery cable, then the
positive battery cable. BE SURE TO DISCON-
Remove the battery and set it aside.
11. With a diagonal cutters, cut the cable ties around
the leads from the starter solenoid and disconnect
the leads. Remove lead 209A from the harness
12. Disconnect the large black plug in front of the fuel
tank spout.
13. With a 3/8” wrench, remove the cowling covers at
the rear on the stator, both sides of the machine.
14. WIth a 3/8” wrench, remove the two screws that
hold the vertical fan baffle in place. Slide the baf-
fle forward toward the rectifier bridge heat sink
15. Hold the rotor shaft with locking pliers and
unscrew the blower fan. Turn the fan counter-
clockwise. You do not need to remove the fan
from the machine, but be sure it is completely
unscrewed from the rotor shaft
16. With a 1/4” nut driver, disconnect the engine
choke cable from the engine. Mark the location
of the retainer for reassembly. The other end can
remain connected.
17. Disconnect the idle linkage by unsnapping the
plastic clip at the engine end of the idler rod. Snap
the clip back onto the rod to avoid losing it; remove
the rod for reassembly.
18. Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel tank. Plug
the hose and also plug the connection at the fuel
tank to prevent the escape of gasoline fumes.
19. Cut the cable ties and remove leads 224C and 210
from the oil pressure switch.
20. With a 9/16” wrench, remove the ground lead from
the right engine foot mounting bolt.
21. With a 7/16” wrench, remove the brush holder
bracket and leads #219 & 200A from the stator
22. Support the engine with a chain hoist. Lift bails
are provided on the top of the engine for this pur-
23. With the 9/16” wrench, remove the right and left
engine foot mounting bolts.
24. With the 9/16” wrench, remove the four bolts that
hold the stator to the engine. There is one lock
washer per bolt.
25. With the chain hoist, unweight the engine gently.
Use a pry bar to carefully pry between the engine
and the stator frame in order to unseat the bearing
on the end of the rotor shaft. Separate the engine
and rotor from the stator frame, supporting the
rotor by hand to prevent damage to the rotor core.
26. Move the engine and rotor assembly to a bench.
The engine is off balance with the rotor still
attached; therefore, support the end of the rotor
with a suitably sized block before unhooking the
chain hoist.
NOTE: If the Stator needs to be replaced, it can be dis-
connected and removed/replaced at this point.
Then move on to the Reassembly Procedure.
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