ADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction1
Welcome 1
What’s in this Guide? 2
Chapter 2: Planning your Network 4
The Gateway’s Functions 4
IP Addresses 4
What is a VPN? 5
Why do I need a VPN? 6
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL Gateway 8
The Back Panel 8
The Front Panel 9
Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL Gateway 10
Overview 10
Connecting to a Computer 10
Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL Gateway 12
Overview 12
How to Access the Web-based Utility 13
The Setup Tab 14
The Security Tab 22
The Access Restrictions Tab 27
The Applications and Gaming Tab 29
The Administration Tab 32
The Status Tab 37
Appendix A: Troubleshooting 39
Common Problems and Solutions 39
Frequently Asked Questions 47
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000
or XP Computer and the Gateway 51
Introduction 51
Environment 51
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel 52
Appendix C: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet Adapter 62