Wireless Security
Linksys E-Series
Wireless > Wireless Security
The wireless security settings configure the security of your wireless network(s).
The router supports the following wireless security options: WPA2/WPA Mixed
Mode, WPA2 Personal, WPA Personal, WPA2/WPA Enterprise Mixed Mode, WPA2
Enterprise, WPA Enterprise, WEP, and RADIUS. (WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected
Access. WEP stands for Wireless Equivalent Privacy. RADIUS stands for Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service.)
Personal options
Security Option Strength
WPA2 Personal Strongest
WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode
WPA2: Strongest
WPA: Strong
WPA Personal Strong
WEP Basic
Office options
The office options are available for networks that use a RADIUS server
for authentication. The office options are stronger than the personal
options because WPA2 or WPA provides encryption while RADIUS provides
Security Option Strength
WPA2 Enterprise Strongest
WPA2/WPA Enterprise Mixed
WPA2: Strongest
WPA: Strong
WPA Enterprise Strong
Option settings
WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode, WPA2 Personal, WPA Personal
If you select WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode as your Security Mode, each
device in your wireless network MUST use WPA2/WPA and the
same passphrase.
If you select WPA2 Personal as your Security Mode, each device
in your wireless network MUST use WPA2 Personal and the same
If you select WPA Personal as your Security Mode, each device
in your wireless network MUST use WPA Personal and the same
Passphrase Enter a passphrase of 8-63 characters. The default is password.
If you used the setup software for installation, then the default is changed to
a unique passphrase, which you can find by running Linksys Connect, then
clicking Router settings.
Wireless Security