A Insert the Setup CD-ROM into
your CD-ROM drive. The Setup
Wizard should run automatically
and the Welcome screen should
appear. If it does not, click Start
and then Run. In the field
provided, enter
D:\WRT54G3G.exe (if “D” is the
letter of your CD ROM drive).
The Setup Wizard automatically
detects the operating system’s
country setting and selects the
Wizard language according to it.
You can manually select the
desired language via the drop-
down menu.
B Click Next to begin the setup
C Press Click Here to Start to start
the setup process. Click User
Guide to go to the User Guide, or
click Exit to stop the setup
D Click the appropriate radio
a. 3G/UMTS or GPRS Only for
use of the Router with
3G/UMTS or GPRS Service,
proceed to step 2.
b. Broadband WAN Only for
use of the Router with a
broadband cable/DSL
network, proceed to step 3.
c. Broadband WAN and
3G/UMTS or GPRS for use of
the Router with both network
types, proceed to step 4.
Configuring the WRT54G3G via
the Setup Wizard