
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Chapter 5: Configuring the Router
The Applications & Gaming Tab - QoS
POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3). A standard mail server commonly used on the Internet. It provides a message
store that holds incoming e-mail until users log on and download it. POP3 is a simple system with little
selectivity. All pending messages and attachments are downloaded at the same time. POP3 uses the SMTP
messaging protocol.
Specific Port#. You can add three additional applications by entering their respective port numbers in the
Specific Port# fields.
Port-based QoS
Port-based QoS allows you to prioritize performance for three of the Router’s ports, LAN Ports 1-3. Port-based
QoS does not require support from your ISP because the prioritized ports are LAN ports going out to your
Enable/Disable. To use port-based QoS, select Enable. Otherwise, keep the default, Disable.
For each port, specify the Priority, Flow Control setting, and Ingress Rate Limit.
Priority. Select the port’s priority level, High or Low.
Flow Control. If you want the Router to control the transmission of data between network devices, select
Enable. To disable this feature, select Disable.
Ingress Rate Limit. This setting limits the incoming bandwidth. To use this feature, select 8M, 4M, 2M, 1M,
512K, 256K, or 128K (M stands for Mbps, while K stands for kbps). If you do not want to use this feature, keep
the default, Disable.