Chapter 6: Configuring the Wireless-G Media Storage Link Router
The Storage Tab - Administration
Wireless-G Media Storage Link Router with SpeedBooster
Properties - Modify. Click the Modify button to change the user membership of a group. On the Group
Properties screen, users who are not members are listed in the Other Users column, and users who are members
are listed in the Users in Group column. To add a user to the group, select the user, and click the >> Join Group
button. To remove a user from the group, select the user, and click the << Remove button. Click the Save
Settings button to save the changes, or click the Cancel Changes button to cancel the changes. Click the Close
button to exit the Group Properties screen.
Delete. Click the Delete button to remove a user.
Create New Group. Click the Create New Group button to create a new group. On the Group Properties screen,
enter a name for the group. Click the Create Group button to save the new name, or click the Clear button to
clear the change. Click the Cancel button to cancel the change.
Figure 5-41: Create New Group - Group Properties
Figure 5-40: Modify - Group Properties