Chapter 6: Using the Linksys Wireless Guard Service
Your Account
Wireless-G Access Point
3. The screen in Figure 6-12 will appear. Under Guests, click Add Guest.
4. The screen in Figure 6-13 will appear. Enter the Guest User Name, Guest First Name, Guest Last Name,
Password, Password Verify, and Access Duration. Then click Submit.
Guest User Name. Enter a user name of the guest you want to add.
Guest First Name. Enter the first name of the guest you want to add.
Guest Last Name. Enter the last name of the guest you want to add.
Password. Enter a password that’s at least six characters long for the guest you want to add.
Password Verify. Enter the password again.
Access Duration. Enter the length of time (in hours) that the guest will be on the network.
5. The guest will need to install the Linksys Wireless Guard Client software on his or her PC. The software can
be downloaded from the Setup CD-ROM or from linksys.com/support. Refer to the “Client Software
Installation” section at the beginning of this chapter.
Figure 6-12: Modify Access Control
Figure 6-13: Add Guest