
Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G Access Point with Power Over Ethernet
The Wireless - Advanced Wireless Settings Tab
Wireless-G Access Point with Power Over Ethernet
The Wireless - Advanced Wireless Settings Tab
This screen allows you to configure the advanced settings for the Access Point. In most cases, these settings do
not need to be changed.
Advanced Wireless
You can change the data transmission and output power settings for the Access Point.
CTS Protection Mode. The CTS (Clear-To-Send) Protection Mode function boosts the Access Point’s ability to
catch all Wireless-G transmissions but will severely decrease performance. Keep the default setting, Auto, so the
Access Point can use this feature as needed, when the Wireless-G products are not able to transmit to the Access
Point in an environment with heavy 802.11b traffic. Select Enabled if you want to permanently enable this
feature, or select Disabled if you want to permanently disable this feature.
Wireless Isolation. When this feature is enabled, PCs using different SSIDs cannot see each other, so the
different wireless networks are kept separate from each other. In most cases, including wireless hotspots, keep
the default, Enabled. If you want PCs from different wireless networks to communicate, select Disabled.
Basic Data Rates. This setting is not actually one rate of transmission but a series of rates that are advertised to
the other wireless devices in your network, so they know at which rates the Access Point can transmit. At the
Default setting, the Access Point will advertise that it will automatically select the best rate for transmission.
Other options are 1-2Mbps, for use with older wireless technology, and All, when you wish to have all rates
advertised. The Basic Data Rates are not the rates transmitted; the rates transmitted can be configured through
the TX Rate setting on the Wireless - Basic Wireless Settings tab.
Beacon Interval. This value indicates the frequency interval of the beacon. A beacon is a packet broadcast by
the Access Point to keep the network synchronized. A beacon includes the wireless networks service area, the
Access Point address, the Broadcast destination addresses, a time stamp, Delivery Traffic Indicator Maps, and
the Traffic Indicator Message (TIM).
DTIM Interval. This value indicates how often the Access Point sends out a Delivery Traffic Indication Message
(DTIM). Lower settings result in more efficient networking, while preventing your PC from dropping into power-
saving sleep mode. Higher settings allow your PC to enter sleep mode, thus saving power, but interferes with
wireless transmissions.
RTS Threshold. This setting determines how large a packet can be before the Access Point coordinates
transmission and reception to ensure efficient communication. This value should remain at its default setting of
2347. Should you encounter inconsistent data flow, only minor modifications are recommended.
Figure 5-11: Wireless - Advanced Wireless
Settings Screen
cts (clear-to-send): a signal sent by a wireless device,
signifying that it is ready to receive data.
beacon internal: data transmitted on your wireless network
that keeps the network synchronized.
rts (request to send): a networking method of coordinating
large packets through the RTS Threshold setting.
dtim (delivery traffic indication message): a message
included in data packets that can increase wireless
packet: a unit of data sent over a network.