Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G Home Router
The Wireless Tab - Wireless Security
Wireless-G Home Router
Caution: The Router is not designed to have a built-in battery mechanism for a real time clock. Shutting down or
rebooting the Router will cause the Router clock to be out of date. Router will automatically check the NTP in
correcting the time when its internet connection resumes. In case that the NTP is unreachable, user will have to
reconfigure the Router clock to ensure that all these time-specific functions will work properly. Because of the
interval of the page refresh timing, the clock may have a maximum of 2 minutes variance.
If you have enabled the Wireless RF Scheduling function and leave the Router unused (power-off or not connected
to internet) for a long period of time, you will have to check the Router clock and ensure that it has the right time
at the moment that you start to use it again. If Router fails to connect to NTP servers and can't get the time
updated, you may need to consider changing to different NTP servers. You have to ensure that the Router has a
correct time setting to make this Wireless RF Scheduling feature function properly.
When you finish making changes to this screen, click the Save Settings button to save the changes, or click the
Cancel Changes button to undo your changes. Help information is shown on the right-hand side of the screen.
For additional help, click More.
The Wireless Tab - Wireless Security
The Wireless Security settings configure the security of your wireless network. There are six wireless security
mode options supported by the Router: WPA Personal, WPA Enterprise, WPA2 Personal, WPA2 Enterprise, RADIUS,
and WEP. (WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy, WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access, which is a security
standard stronger than WEP encryption. WPA2 is stronger than WPA. WPA Enterprise is WPA used in coordination
with a RADIUS server. RADIUS stands for Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service.) These are briefly discussed
here. For detailed instructions on configuring wireless security for the Router, turn to “Appendix B: Wireless
WPA Personal. WPA gives you two encryption methods, TKIP and AES, with dynamic encryption keys. Select the
type of algorithm, TKIP or AES. Enter a WPA Shared Key of 8-63 characters. Then enter a Group Key Renewal
period, which instructs the Router how often it should change the encryption keys.
WPA Enterprise. This option features WPA used in coordination with a RADIUS server. (This should only be used
when a RADIUS server is connected to the Router.) First, select the type of WPA algorithm you want to use, TKIP
or AES. Enter the RADIUS server’s IP Address and port number, along with a key shared between the Router and
the server. Last, enter a Key Renewal Timeout, which instructs the Router how often it should change the
encryption keys.
Figure 5-19: Wireless Tab - Wireless Security (WPA
Figure 5-20: Wireless Tab - Wireless Security (WPA
IMPORTANT: If you are using WPA, always
remember that each device in your wireless
network MUST use the same WPA method
and shared key, or else the network will not
function properly.