In the case of the KOMPONENT 110 and KOMPONENT 104 (where stand is
fitted), the cable(s) can be routed through a duct inside the stand to provide an
invisible connection if so desired. See stand fitting instructions, supplied with
the stands.
Fit the stand before passing the cable through the duct.
Advanced configuration options
A number of additional configuration options are available, as listed below,
which will enhance the performance of your KOMPONENT loudspeakers. For full
details, see the
Advanced Features
manual, which can be found on the Linn
website at www.linn.co.uk. Alternatively, contact your Linn retailer or the Linn
Helpline (Helpline details are listed at the back of this manual).
PPaassssiivvee mmuullttii--wwiirriinngg ((bbii--wwiirree,, ttrrii--wwiirree oorr qquuaadd--wwiirree))
A single amplifier channel connects to a loudspeaker using two, three or four
cables (note – quad-wiring is not available for KOMPONENT 104).
PPaassssiivvee mmuullttii--aammppiinngg ((bbii--aammpp,, ttrrii--aammpp oorr qquuaadd--aammpp))
Two, three or four amplifier channels connect to a loudspeaker (note – quad-
amping is not available for KOMPONENT 104).
AAKKTTIIVV ooppeerraattiioonn
The term ‘AKTIV’ refers to the proprietary Linn active crossovers and
loudspeaker configuration, whereby the loudspeaker’s internal passive
crossover is effectively replaced with external AKTIV crossovers.
This exerts a much greater degree of control over the processing of the audio
signal, providing a more precise audio output to the drive units and therefore
resulting in significantly improved sonic performance, compared with passive
Important note:
AKTIV operation requires a modification to your loudspeakers and in some
cases, your amplifiers, which must be carried out by an authorised Linn Retailer.
KOMPONENT 110, 106 & 104
Owner’s Manual
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