
All components in the AKURATE speaker system benefit from levelling, which
produces distinct improvements in soundstage and accuracy. A properly
levelled loudspeaker will always perform more effectively than an unstable one.
The actual loudspeaker cabinet can remain fixed whilst the drive units are
allowed to move as precisely determined by the playback signal from the
amplifier. Adjustable spikes or feet enable levelling on uneven floors, however
these adjustments are subtle and will not compensate for excessively irregular
Spikes are supplied with the AKURATE 242 speakers and the stand for the
AKURATE 225 and 212 speakers.
TThhee pprroocceedduurree ffoorr lleevveelllliinngg eeaacchh ssppeeaakkeerr sshhoouulldd bbee aass ffoolllloowwss::
Use a spirit level on the top of the speaker to check if it is sitting level. If
it is, gently rock the speaker from front to back, side to side and
diagonally to check for any movement. If none is present and the speaker
is sitting level, no adjustment to the spikes is necessary.
If the speaker is not level, or moves when you rock it, loosen the
appropriate lock nuts using the tool provided
and use a screwdriver to
turn the spikes to adjust their height
Press down firmly on the top of the speaker to ensure it is in close
contact with your flooring.
Use the spirit level as before and continue to adjust the spikes as
When the speaker is level and does not rock, use the screwdriver to hold
the spikes in place and tighten the lock nuts using the tool provided
To protect wooden or tiled floors the spikes can be placed on Linn SKEETS
which are available from your Linn retailer.
AKURATE Loudspeaker System
Owner’s Manual
AKURATE 242, 225 and 212