
ENERAL INFORMATION If you have chosen to install your
KABERs yourself, follow the detailed INSTALLATION GUIDE further
on in this manual. If you have any problems, please ask your Linn
retailer to help. Linn retailers and their staff have been extensively trained
to ensure that they have the knowledge and expertise to get the best possible
sound from our equipment, so it makes sense for you to call on this skill
whenever you need it.
All loudspeakers perform best when rigidly mounted. To achieve this, Linn
have designed a base made from an attractive smooth granite composite
which is supplied with the KABERs. The base includes stabilising floor spikes
that keep the weight of the loudspeakers from compressing your carpet. The
spikes penetrate between the weaves of the carpet, which will therefore
quickly recover if the speakers are moved. To protect a wooden floor from the
spikes you can use the Linn SKEET. Ask your retailer for more details.
CAUTION If you need to move your KABERs, please note that the spikes are
sharp so the loudspeakers should be handled with care.
The KABER grille is unusual in that it has no frame and fits directly onto the
front baffle. This avoids the problems of rattling and diffraction which a frame
can introduce.