Tuning range U.S.A. FM 87.5 ➝ 108.5MHz (75μS De-emphasis)
AM 530 ➝ 1730kHz
Japan FM 75.5 ➝ 108.5MHz (50μS De-emphasis)
AM 522 ➝ 1629kHz
Europe FM 87.5 ➝ 108.5MHz (50μS De-emphasis)
AM 522 ➝ 1611kHz
Resolution FM TUNE mode: 50kHz
FM SCAN mode: 100kHz
AM TUNE mode: 1kHz
AM SCAN mode: 10kHz U.S.A.
9kHz Europe & Japan
Signal to noise ratio: FM @ 93.5MHz (60 dBμV signal) -65dB
AM @ 1MHz (50 dBμV signal) -45dB
Sensitivity: FM Signal Strength = 1 with 25dBμV
Signal Strength = 50 with 60dBμV or above
full quieting with 45dBμV or above
AM Signal Strength = 1 with 15dBμV
Signal Strength = 50 with 50dBμV or above
full quieting with 35dBμV or above
Pre-sets 200 user definable pre-sets
Signal strength meter 0 to 50 scale
Mute level Adjustable in 50 steps: equal to the signal strength meter.
Multi Room
ACC socket Allows connection of a Linn remote control unit.
Room In Input socket which allows connection of balanced audio
and communication between other Classik Movie
Systems and the Linn Knekt system.
Rooms 1-4 Four output sockets which allows connection of
balanced audio and communication between other
Classik Movie Systems and the Linn Knekt system.
IR flashers 1&2 Allows connection of an IR diode to control non-Linn
equipment. 6mA constant current output. Modulation
frequency can be varied from 20kHz to 450kHz.
Technical Specification