To Lower the Mowing Unit
1. Make sure the transport safety chain is unhooked
and stowed on the left rear lift arm.
Do not attempt to lower the mowing units with
the transport safety chain in place, as this may
result in damage to the lift system.
2. Place the tractor’s external hydraulics control valve
in the “lower” position. Return the valve to the
center (neutral ) position when the rear mowing
unit lift arms are fully down.
To Raise the Mowing Units
1. Place the tractor’s control valve in the “lift” position,
Return the valve to the center (neutral) position
when the rear outer mowing units have fully en-
gaged the snubbers.
Transport Locks
If traveling any distance or when storing the mower
overnight or longer, always hook the transport safety
chain between the two rear lift arms.
When transporting the mower on a truck or
trailer, always block the mowing units se-
curely to take the load off the lift chains and
lift mechanism.
Hydraulic Hook-up
Insert the hydraulic hose quick-disconnect plugs into
the female quick-disconnects on the tractor external
1. The “lift hose runs into the port on the
front of the check (lock) valve.
2. The “spare” hose guide should be
mounted on the rear of the tractor. The
two hoses should pass through both
hose guides, so that the hoses are sup-
ported clear of the PTO shaft and drawbar
at all times.
3. The quick-disconnects are SM Type 500
QC; the mower hose will fit SM Type 500
female couplers.
If your tractor is not fitted with quick-
disconnects, an adaptor kit must be used.