The Locke Turf Mulch Pro is a turf maintenance mower with counter rotating blade sets de-
signed to do a superior job of mulching grass clippings. To obtain the maximum effective-
ness from your Mulch Pro the tips listed below should be followed:
Mow often – In general, mulching operations require more frequent mowing than
would conventional mowing procedures.
Watch your speed – Normal conditions will allow a speed of up to approximately 5
mph, but thick, heavy, damp conditions will require reduced ground speed.
Mow at 540 RPM to keep tip speed at its maximum.
Mow with a clean mower – Avoid grassy build-up under the deck.
Mow with sharp blades – A sharp blade cuts cleaner.
Wet grass will decrease distribution effectiveness and increase horsepower require-
ments. Leaves, on the other hand, may be more effectively mulched when they are
slightly damp.
Mow at higher cutting heights – Remove and mulch no more than 2” – 2-1/2” of
grass length with each mowing. (Experts recommend not cutting off more than 1/3
of the grass blade length at any given time.)
Mow twice, at different height settings, (high, then low), if grass is extra tall.
Remember that horsepower requirements will vary with the mowing conditions such
as type and height of turf grass, moisture content, whether the terrain is flat or hilly,
The ideal cutting height may be different from other types of mowing equipment you
have used. Initially you should adjust your MP at least 1/2" higher than other types
of equipment. Use a trial and error method to determine if the MP should be ad-
justed lower. Generally it is
best to begin high and work
you way lower.