72-Inch Cabinet Site Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-8 Command Module and Drive Module Site Preparation Guide
Power Requirements
This section provides information regarding power requirements, AC power distribution
box specifications, ladder cord and power cord routing instructions, and site wiring
The AC power source must provide the correct voltage, current, and frequency specified
on the manufacturer’s nameplate. Table 1-3 shows the internal AC power requirements for
rackmount cabinets.
Table 1-3 Power Requirements
Unit/Component Requirements
Domestic International
AC Power 250 VAC, 30 A 230 VAC, 32 A
AC Plug NEMA L6-30P, locking plug IEC 309 locking plug
Receptacle 6-30R, receptacle IEC 309 receptacle
Circuit Breaker 25 A
Vol tage Ran ge 180 to 257 VAC
Frequency 49 to 50.5 Hz or 59 to 60.6 Hz
(specified frequency)
220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Configuration A
Configuration B
Configuration C
Operational Current
LP Drives
7.35 A 14.70 A 13.16 A
HH Drives
7.70 A 15.40 A 13.72 A
Surge Current
LP Drives 10.95 A 21.90 A 22.20 A
HH Drives 11.45 A 22.90 A 23.00 A
Power specifications for three configurations containing Low-Profile (LP) and Half-Height (HH) drives, including:
Configuration A contains 1 command module and 5 drive modules
Configuration B contains 2 command modules and 10 drive modules
Configuration C contains 3 command modules and 8 drive modules
LP drives are 1.0 inch tall; HH drives are 1.6 inches tall.