Software version, 8, 46
Specifications, 67
Stand-by battery, 18, 65
- Disposal, 65
Standards, 10
System fault, 10, 25
Technical message, 49, 56
- Display, 38
- Light-emitting diode, 25
- Reset, 57
- Self holding, 57
- Self resetting, 57
Test condition, 63, 65
- Display, 39
- Light-emitting diode, 25
Timer, 18, 26, 32
Transmitting device, 13, 17
- Day/night operation, 32
- Display, 42
- For fault messages, 25
- For fire alarm, 13, 25
- Number, 20
- Operate, 42
- Primary, 14, 25, 26
- Two-zone dependency, 42
Two-zone dependency, 14
- Disabled detector zone, 40, 61
- Fault of a detector zone, 59
- Of a transmitting device, 42
- Of an actuation, 41, 56
- Of an alarming device, 43
User, 7, 14
User code, 29, 30, 36
- At delivery, 47
- Change, 47
Warranty, 11
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 8 • Index