What is Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery tube
while blood flows through the arteries. The pressure measured
when the heart contracts and sends blood out of the heart is
systolic (highest) blood pressure. The pressure measured
when the heart dilates with blood flowing back into the heart
is called diastolic (lowest) blood pressure.
Why Measure Your Blood Pressure?
Among the various health problems afflicting people today,
problems associated with high blood pressure are by far the
most common. High blood pressure's dangerously strong
correlation with cardiovascular disease has made measuring
blood pressure a necessity for identifying those at risk.
About Blood Pressure
Message Correction
The pressure measured was lower than
20 mmHg.
Solution: Please measure again.
The pressure measured was higher than
300 mmHg.
Solution: Please measure again.
Pumping error.
Solution: Please check cuff and try
The pressure can not be measured due to
signal noise.
Solution: Please measure again.
The pumping pressure is higher than
300 mmHg.
Solution: Please measure again.
Low battery.
Solution: Check and replace the
batteries if necessary.