
User’s Guide
Correlation/Loudness Balance
Correlation (expanded view)
This clear and easy-to-read display is designed to help you understand the complex
phase relationship between two signals, and shows how the signals relate to each
other. The correlation meter measures the similarities between two signals by dis-
playing a range value of –1 (two signals are 180°out of phase) or +1 (indicating that
the signals are perfectly in phase). 0 means that the two signals are not correlated.
For most stereo applications a large positive number is typically 0.5 to 1.0.
Loudness Balance
This shows the A-weighted VU level relationship between two signals. The meter
displays the ratio between these two signals, and plots the ratio from the center
outwards. A value less than 1:1 (such as 1:2) indicates higher loudness on the right
channel. A value greater than 1:1 (such as 2:1) indicates higher loudness on the left