F. Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions
Q. The pictures I take seem to be blurred or out of focus.
A. Try taking pictures of objects or activities 40ft. or further away.
Remember, the B350’s lens is focused from 40ft to infinity.
Q. I can’t get the B350 to delete my pictures or change to any
other mode but ‘OFF’.
A. When you press the mode button, you need to wait 1 second
before pressing it again. So, when pressing the mode button 3
times to get to the trash icon, you need to wait one second
between each press of the mode button. Then, when you see the
trash icon, press the shutter button once and the number of
pictures will start to blink. While the LCD is blinking, press the
shutter button again and the number of pictures remaining will go
back to ‘52’.
Q. I downloaded my pictures to the computer, but the B350 LCD
still shows the same number of pictures taken that I had before I
downloaded them – why haven’t they been deleted?
A. The B350 does not automatically delete your pictures off of the
camera after you have downloaded them to your computer. To
take new pictures, you must delete your old pictures by following
the instruction on page 8.