P 8/ 15
Fig. 12
[3] -4. Bit holder section, Anvil
(1) Loosen four M4x22 Pan head screws and separate Hammer case complete from Housing set.
See the drawing on the upper left in Fig. 3.
(2) Remove Ring spring 7 as drawn in Fig. 12. And then, remove Anvil as drawn in Fig. 13.
*For Anvil without Ring spring 7, Anvil can be removed as drawn in Fig. 13 skipping Fig. 12.
Fig. 13
(1) Pass Anvil through Nylon Washer 14 and mount them to Hammer case complete. Refer to Fig. 13.
*For Anvil without Ring spring 7, Hammer case section can be assembled to Housing set. Refer to Fig. 3
(2) To stabilize Anvil in the position where Ring spring 7 can be assembled easily, set Hammer case complete
on 1R232. Refer to the drawing on the left in Fig. 12.
(3) Assemble Ring spring 7 as drawn in Fig. 14.
Anvil and Nylon washer 14 are removed from
Hammer case complete.
Nylon Washer 14
Hammer Case Complete
Ring spring 7
Use 1R232 for stabilizing Anvil in the position
where Ring spring 7 can be removed easily.
Remove Ring spring 7 with 1R004.
Ring spring 7
1. Aligning the cut of Ring
spring 7 with the groove
on Anvil, push the opposite
side of the cut portion
with pliers.
2. The mounted Ring
spring 7 is widened
by just fitting it.
So fasten it with pliers
as shown below.
9.5 mm
3. For final adjustment, repeatedly
attach and detach a 9.5 mm square
socket such as 1R222 to/from Anvil
to fit Ring spring 7 into the groove
on Anvil.
Ring spring 7
Fig. 14