Using the Delayed S
Attach the camera to a tripod or place
it on a firm support. (If the camera sup-
port protrudes beyond the front of the
camera body, cock the delayed shutter
release before placing it on the sup-
1. Advance the film and cock the shut-
ter with the film advance crank
2. Cock the delayed shutter release
by rotating the lever (14) clockwise
When fully rotated (approx. 180°) there
will be a 10 sec. delay, and when ro-
tated approximately 90°, there will be a
5 sec delay before the shutter is re-
leased (Rotating the lever less than 90°
will fail to cock the delayed shutter
release.) When the spring-loaded de-
layed shutter release lever (14) is re-
leased, it will return to its original
position, xposing the activating lever
3. Push the activating lever in the di-
rection of the engraved arrow to start
the delayed shutter release.
4. The upper shutter release button will
move when the delayed shutter release
is activated. Do not advance the film
until the upper shutter release button
returns to its normal (raised) position.
*If desiring to stop the delayed shutter
release after it has already started,
merely reset the lever (14) and it will
*Even after cocking the delayed shut-
ter release, the shutter can be tripped