
Mamiya 7II, the ultimate 6x7 rangefinder camera
The Mamiya 7II is the only camera in the
world that has these exclusive features:
Ideal 6x7cm film format that enlarges
to standard photographic and industrial
paper sizes without cropping and
without wasting film. A size that can be
viewed with the naked eye and that is
easy to retouch.
Lightweight, compact, "quick on the
draw" and ergonomically designed to
fit in your hand like a glove.
Crisp, accurate, broad based,
split-image rangefinder, that is easy to
focus, even in poor light.
Bright viewfinder with frame lines that
are automatically indexed to match the
focal length of lens in use and that
automatically adjust for parallax.
Interchangeable, world-class Mamiya
lenses, utilizing the latest optical
glasses and computer aided design
and that take advantage of the
camera's short flange focal distance
(there is no mirror box) to reach new
• Precision, super quiet, electronic shutter with
speeds from 4 to 1/500 sec., flash
synchronized at all speeds.
• Built-in "dark slide" curtain that permits
changing lenses with film in camera.
• Precision AE (automatic exposure) meter with
manual overrides.
• Self-timer (delayed action release) with
automatic turn-off.
• Optional external battery case to wear inside
clothing in extreme cold.
• Optional panoramic adapter that permits use
of 35mm film and yields 24x65mm images.
• Built with typical Mamiya quality for hard
professional use and long service life.
heights in lens quality.