When using the Hot-shoe,
be sure to put an appropri-
ate Safety Cover over the
sync terminal so that you
receive a
high voltage
electric shock if the terminal
is accidentally touched. (A
Safety Cover is put on the
sync terminal when the
camera leaves the factory.)
1. When using an electronic flash,
Do not use a flash unit specifi-
plug the synchronization cord into
dedicated for another
the Sync Terminal and set the Shutter
era. It may
your 645 PRO.
Speed Dial to 1/60 sec.
or slower.
If you use a flash unit whose
flash duration is slower than 1/
The Mamiya 645 PRO has an X-
sync terminal.
Attach a shoe-mount flash to the
hot-shoe of the camera or the Left
Hand Grip GL401 (optional).
1000 sec., set the shutter speed
dial to 1/30 sec. or slower.
Flash Synchronization Chart