
The Revolving Back
The Vertical and Horizontal Formats
Change in Viewfinder Format
Before attempting to revolve the back, set the
R-M Lever to "R". To change from horizontal
to vertical format, rotate the Film Holder
clockwise as far as it will go. Rotating it
counter-clockwise, changes the format from
vertical back to horizontal.
Revolve the back clockwise or counter-
clockwise until it securely clicks at a 90° turn. If
the back is not in a "click position", the shutter
release button will not function.
The R-M Lever will automatically return from
"R" to its normal position upon depressing the
Cocking Lever or Shutter Release Button.
However, as long as the R-M Lever remains at
the "R" setting, the Film Holder can inadvert-
ently be moved off-center. Therefore we
recommend, returning the lever to its normal
position (i.e., center index mark) immediately
after revolving the back.
As the revolving back is rotated, the viewfinder format automatically changes from horizon-
tal to vertical, or vice versa. This is accomplished by viewfinder masks which are coupled
to the revolving back. Additionally, when viewed from the top, a small rectangle appears at
the upper edge of the Film Holder, Visible at a glance, this rectangle acts as a reminder,
indicating whether the holder has been set for the vertical or horizontal format.
* Be sure to rotate the Film Holder gently, as
undue use of force can result in damage to
the camera.
*Do not revolve the back while pressing the
shutter release button. When using a cable
release or self-timer, the release end must
be correctly adjusted; otherwise the shutter
release button may remain depressed.