How to Use the Carrying Strap
Attaching the Strap
Hold the metal clamp of the
strap so that the key-hole
shaped opening faces the Car-
rying Strap Lug on the camera
body. Gently fit the upper part of
the key-hole opening over the
lug. Next, gently push the bot-
tom of the metal clamp upwards
and it will lock in place with a
If the clamp is attached to the
Hot-Shoe side of the camera
upside-down, it will be difficult
to remove, so be careful to
attach the clamp right-side-up.
Removing the Strap
Reach behind the strap and
while gently squeezing the top
of the protruding front plate (leaf
spring), slide the clamp down-
Carrying Position
Since the Carrying Strap Lug is not rotary, the carrying strap will
not become twisted.