
User Guide
It is best to proceed with customizing in several stages.
The first stage is to teach all your existing remote codes to the
RC9500. The second stage is to practice using your home theater
system with the RC9500. As you gain familiarity with your system,
you’ll notice that many operations in a home theater require several
steps. In the third stage of customization, you will record multiple
step operations as either a “Macro” that you can play back with one
button push or as a list of numbered steps recorded in a “Help List”
In the next few pages you’ll find step by step guidelines on each of
the three stages. If a more detailed explanation exists in the
Reference section, the page number is indicated..
1 Gather all of your remote controls in front of you.
2 Play with all of the example devices. Compare the devices with
your existing remote controls. Can you use any as templates for
non-Marantz components?
3 Use DELETE mode to delete all of the devices that you don’t
use. (see page 39)
4 Use ADD mode to add devices for each Marantz products.
(see page 37)
When you are prompted to add with or without RC codes,
choose “Create with RC codes”.
5 Use ADD mode to add devices for each non-Marantz
products. (see page 37) Choose “Create without RC codes”.
6 Switch to USE Mode or LEARN Mode to evaluate the page
layouts of the new devices.
Customizing your RC9500
1. Introduction
2. Cloning All Your Existing Remotes
DFU RC9500 Ver1_2.qxd 5/28/2004 10:33 AM Page 22