61D0008 15
3' min.
Flue Outlet
Flue Outlet
Flue Outlet
3' min.
2' min. when
Dim. “A” is 10'
or Less
2' min. when
Dim. “A” is 10'
or Less
You must properly install the chimney to assure safe and satisfactory performance of the fireplace. This is an important part
of the installation. Review the Chimney Installation Section thoroughly.
For your safety, some of the important things to remember in regard to chimneys are
listed below:
• Use only parts and accessories labeled for use with this fireplace.
• Use only undamaged parts and accessories.
• Enclose the chimney where it passes through the living spaces to prevent contact with
and possible damage to the chimney.
• Install firestop spacers at each ceiling level.
• Install the proper chimney cap or chimney housing on the chimney to prevent the entry
of rain and debris into the chimney and to assure the proper venting of smoke.
• Do not use more than four elbows in the chimney.
Note: To select the proper chimney height, see Figures 12 through 16. The flue outlet must be a minimum
of 3' above the highest point where the chimney penetrates the roof and a minimum of 2' above all portions
of the building within ten feet. If the chimney is to include elbows to offset the chimney, see Chimney Offset
and Cap Installation Section. There must be at least 2" air space between all sections of the chimney and
combustible materials between floors.
Do not extend the chimney more than 90" above the roof without additional support.
Figure 13 - Proper Chimney Height