section 2
This section describes the steps required to prepare the MAC 500/E for operation.
The MAC 500/Epackage includes:
• 2 Fast-Lock clamp brackets
• 5-meter XLR-XLR control cable
• User manual
• 7 extra gobos
• 1 spare rotating gobo spring
The packing material is carefully designed to protect the fixture during shipment - always use it or a custom MAC 500/
600 flight case to transport the fixture.
cases can be identified by the outside measurements: 860 mm (34") from bottom to top, including wheels, on the out-
side. Suitable flight cases measure 894 mm (35.2") from bottom to top, including wheels.
Installing or changing the lamp
Disconnect the fixture from AC power before proceeding. Always wear safety
goggles to protect your eyes and allow a hot lamp to cool for at least
15 minutes before removing it from the fixture.
The MAC 500/E is designed to work with the Philips MSR-575/2, Philips MSD-575, Osram HSD-575, or the Osram
HSR-575/2 discharge lamps. ,QVWDOOLQJDQ\RWKHUODPSPD\GDPDJHWKHIL[WXUHThe lamp holder is pre-adjusted at the
factory; precise alignment may be necessary due to slight variations between lamps. The procedure is described on
page 25.
1. The MAC 500/E must be cool and isolated from AC power. Remove the 2 screws holding the lamp
assembly. Gently remove the assembly.
2. If changing the lamp, remove the old lamp from the socket.
3. Holding the new lamp by its ceramic base (do not touch the glass), carefully insert it firmly and
squarely into the lamp socket.
4. Clean the glass bulb with the cloth supplied with the lamp, particularly if your fingers touch the
glass. A clean, lint-free cloth wetted with alcohol may also be used.
5. Re-insert the lamp assembly and replace the screws.