48 Putting Disk Angle Cushion Assembly of the Top Case
Disk Angle
Disk Angle Cushion
Disk Angle Cushion
Disk Angle Cushion
Affixes according to the
ruled line.
Affixes according to the
ruled line.
Affixes according to the
ruled line.
Affixes at the right of the ruled line.
<Position where LED Cushion is Affixed>
PAD Lenz Tape affixation
Top Case
LED Cushion Affixation
Lan Sw Blank Installation
Hole for
LENZ (4 places)
Tape posi-
tioning pin
The pin is inserted through
the top case hole.
Thing not diagonal insert-
ed.(crack measures)
LCD LENS PAD installation
(The pin after installs is welded)
The length hole (2 places) is
matched to the positioning pin,
and so as not to over on the top
case hole (4 places), affixes.
The pin 2 places (outside) of a
top case are welded with a
treatment device.
2 places on the inside are the re-
serves for the second fixation.
Pin shape standard after welds
Thing without
<Position where LED LENS PAD is installed
LED LENZ BATT installation
(The pin after installs is
Safety work
SW Knob Sheet
Power SW
knob Sheet