
wever, you can experiment with large capsule mics like the M-Audio Luna, which is noted for
its performance in the higher frequencies.If using a pair, they can either be used in an X-Y
coincident fashion or spaced se
veral feet apart over the left and right portions of the kit. In both
cases, experiment with a height of anywhere between two and five feet above the kit,depending
upon the room.In general,high ceilings are helpful when miking drum overheads because there is
more room for the sound to breathe before being reflected back.
• Room mics
If the drums ar
e in a sizable room,you can attain avery large drum sound by placing
a stereo pair of omnis out in the room that can be mixed in with the individual mics.Adding
compression can make the sound appear to be even bigger.
Choosing & Using Microphones