Address Book
Rear View
Set a memory
point using your
preferred method.
Select a memory
point to be
: Allows the display icon to be
selected. Page 1 and 2 contain
standard icons, whereas the
With Sound page contains icons
which also playback sounds.
(With direction icon function)
The beep alert only activates
when the vehicle approaches to
within about 500m of the memory
point from the set direction.
: Allows the name to be changed.
When editing has been
completed, select .
Furthermore, select to
display names on the map, or
if these names are not to
be displayed.
: Allows memory points to be
checked and modified on the
map screen. After checking.
: Allows the telephone number to
be modified. When editing has
been completed, select .
Select a memory
point to be stored
in Preset
Destinations or
Allows the storage
category to be
changed. Select the
button corresponding
to the new category.
: Changes the category to
Preset Destinations
: Changes the category to
Select a memory
point to be
: Cancel the deletion.
: Cancel the deletion.
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