Power Wiring (negative ground only)
1� If you have not determined whether your vehicle has a negative or positive ground,
do so now� Then disconnect the negative lead from the battery to prevent short cir-
cuits that can occur during wiring� Do not connect this transceiver to positive ground
electrical systems�
2� With negative ground
A� Connect the positive (RED WIRE) the one with in-line fuse holder to either the (a)
fuse block, (b) cigarette lighter, or (c) directly to the positive post on your battery�
Usually, the fuse block is the most convenient connecting point� It is also
possible to connect to the Accessory terminal on the fuse block or ignition switch,
so that your CB automatically goes off when the ignition goes off�
B� Tightly connect the ground (BLACK WIRE) directly to the vehicle’s metal frame� A
good direct metal-to-metal ground is essential for optimum performance�
Installations using the cigarette lighter socket for power require an extra ground
wire from the radio chassis to the vehicle if the radio is not fastened to a
grounded part of the vehicle�
Installation of Microphone Hanger
Mounting holes are provided on the microphone hanger bracket� The bracket can be
attached to the vehicle dash, the holes provided on the left side of the radio, or other
convenient location�
You can choose from two types of mobile CB antennas: full-length whip and loaded
whip - and a variety of mounts (depending on where you locate your antenna)� The
dealer who sold you your Midland CB can advise which type is best for you�
*Where you locate your antenna does make a difference.*
Some general rules for antenna location that can aid CB performance:
1� Put your mount as high on the vehicle as possible�
The higher the proportion of antenna length that is above the roof, the better�
2� If possible, mount the antenna in the center of whatever surface you choose�
3� Keep antenna cables away from noise sources, such as the ignition system, gauges,
4� Make sure you have a solid metal-to-metal ground�
5� Exercise care to prevent cable damage�
Essentially, you have ve location choices: the roof, gutter, rear deck, front cowl or rear
bumper� Where you decide to locate your antenna will determine the type of antenna
you install� Consult your Midland CB dealer for advice and guidance, and measure
your needs against the attributes of the various Midland antenna models they carry�