
Model RG1 Owner’s Manual
Page 14 www.midlandradio.com
You must set the user MMSI in order to send a Distress call. This feature will
allow you to transmit a Distress call.
1. In order to transmit a Distress call, press and hold DISTRESS for 5 seconds.
2. You will see SL in the display. Press the SELECT button and the Distress call
will be transmitted.
2. The Distress call is transmitted and it waits for about 210 - 270 seconds.
This is continued internally. After the Distress call has been sent, the Distress
alert will sound every other second, and it also "watches" for a transmission
between CH16 and CH70 until an acknowledgment signal is received from the
Coast Guard shore station. To cancel the Distress call, press 16/9/TRI.
3. If an acknowledgment is not received, the Distress call is repeated until an
acknowledgment is received from theCoast Guard shore station.
If the radio receives a Distress call an emergency alert will sound.