
Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
detergent should fall into the Microfine Filter, it remains on the Filter
Cap, where it can dissolve, instead of collecting in the drain outlet.
Foreign bodies which pass the Coarse Filter to the Microfine Filter
collect on the Filter Cap and so they don’t clog the drain outlet.
4.11 Water Intake – Technical Data
Table 4-3: WaterProof System Data
1: An optional 4.5 meter version can be installed.
Flow Restrictor - Data
Green 4.1 (1) liters per minute
Grey 4.9 (2) liters per minute
White 5.25 liters per minute
Blue 6.0 liters per minute
Table 4-4: Flow Restrictor Data
(1) Standard with slimline models
(2) Standard with 60cm (fullsize) models
Water Inlet Mixer – Data
Table 4-5: Water Inlet Mixer Data