Signing on the hob
If you want to sign the hob
on to the Miele{home system, first prepare the signing on
procedure on the master appliance (see the "Miele|home"
fitting and installation instructions)
on to the Con|ctivity system, first sign on the cooker
hood (see the "Con|ctivity" fitting and installation
With the hob switched off, touch the s and $ sensors at
the same time until the safety lock indicator light flashes.
After selecting programming mode, P (Programme) and S
(Status) will appear in the timer display.
The programme number will appear on the left of the
numerical keypad and the status currently set will appear on
the right.
^ Touch number 1 on the rear left numerical keypad (set
Programme 10).
^ Touch number 2 on the front right numerical keypad (set
Status 2 = sign on).
The signing on process will begin and the number 2 will flash
in the front right numerical keypad. The signing on process
will take a few minutes. The number 2 will light up constantly
when the process has been completely successfully.
To save the setting, touch the s sensor until all the
displays go out.
Proceed as described in the "Miele|home" or Con|ctivity
fitting and installation instructions.
Con|ctivity and Miele|home