Using the cooktop
Safety feature
This gas cooktop incorporates an
Ignition Safety Control which stops the
supply of gas if the flame goes out,
[] To reignite the burners, turn the
control knob clockwise to "®", then
follow the procedures outlined in
"Turning on and off",
This safety feature is not operated by
electricity, it will be active even if the
appliance is in use during a power
Using the cooktop during a
power failure
If there is an interruption to the
electrical supply, the gas can be
ignited using a match,
[] Press down on the desired control
knob and turn it counterclockwise to
the large flame symbol,
[] While holding down the knob, light
the gas at the burner with a match,
[] When the flame appears, keep the
control knob pressed in for
8 - 10 seconds to allow the Ignition
Safety Control to reach operating