Use for Power level*
(12 Power levels)
(23 Power levels)
Melting butter,
dissolving gelatin
1 - 2 1 - 2.
Heating small volumes of liquid
Warming dishes, which easily burn
Cooking rice
Defrosting frozen vegetables
3 3 - 3.
Warming liquid and half-set foods
Thickening sauces, e.g. Hollandaise
Cooking rice pudding, omelette, eggs
4 - 5 4 - 5
Defrosting frozen food
Steaming vegetables, fish
6 5. - 6.
Boiling and continued cooking of large quantities of food,
e.g. stew
Cooking pasta
7 - 8 7 - 8
Gentle frying (without overheating the fat) of fish, sausages,
fried eggs, etc.
9 - 10 8. - 10.
Frying pancakes, etc. 11 11 - 11.
Boiling a large volume of water
12 12
* These settings are recommendations for 4 portions. With large pots, large quantities or cooking
without the lid, a higher setting is needed. With smaller quantities select a lower setting.
** If a more defined setting of the power level is desired, the range of the power level can be
extended. See "Programming". The intermediate stage will be indicated by a dot lit next to the power
level number.
Using the cooktop