Shirts max. 1.0 kg*
Normal+, Normal, Hand iron r, Timed drying
Garment Shirts and blouses.
Extra option Thermospin max. 600 rpm
Denim max. 2.5 kg*
Extra dry, Normal+, Normal
Hand iron r, Hand iron rr, Machine iron, Timed drying
Extra option Thermospin max. 900 rpm
Sportswear max. 2.0 kg*
Normal+, Normal, Hand iron r, Timed drying
Garment Sportswear which is suitable for drying in a tumble dryer.
Extra option Thermospin max. 1200 rpm
Outerwear max. 1.0 kg*
Normal+, Normal, Hand iron r, Timed drying
Garment Outerwear which is suitable for drying in a tumble dryer.
Extra option Thermospin max. 800 rpm
Proofing max. 1.5 kg*
Garment For thermally fixing textiles which are suitable for drying in a
tumble dryer and have been treated with a proofing agent.
* Weight of dry laundry
Timed drying:TheCottons, Minimum iron, Express, Automatic, Dark garments,
Shirts, Denim, Sportswear and Outerwear programmes can be dried using warm
air timed drying for durations of between 15 minutes and 2 hours. The drying
temperature is determined by the particular programme being used.
To smooth out creasing, you can also use Smoothing (fabrics are not dried