OM-4409 Page 68
15-2. Approximate Air Consumption (Cubic Feet) To Operate Pneumatic Equipment At
70-90 P.S.I.G.
Drill, 1/18” to 3/8” 3.75 6.25 8.75 25 Burring Tool, Large 3.6 6.0 8.4 24
Drill, 3/8” to 5/16” 5.25 8.75 12.25 35 Rammers, Small 3.9 3.25 9.1 13
#2 to #6 Screw 1.8 3.0 4.2 12 Rammers, Medium 5.1 8.5 11.9 34
#6 to 5/16” Screw 3.6 6.0 8.4 24 Rammers, Large 6.0 10.0 14.0 40
Tapper, to 3/8” 3.0 5.0 7.0 20 Backfill Tamper 3.75 6.25 8.75 25
Nutsetters, to 3/8” 3.6 6.0 8.4 24 Compression Riveter 0.2 cu. ft. per cycle
Nutsetters, to 3/4” 4.5 7.5 10.5 30 Air Motor,
1 Horsepower 3.75 6.3 8.75 25
Impact Wrench, 1/4” 2.25 3.75 5.3 15 Air Motor,
2 Horsepower 7.5 12.5 17.5 50
Impact Wrench, 3/8” 3.0 5.0 7.0 20 Air Motor,
3 Horsepower 11.25 18.75 26.3 75
Impact Wrench, 5/8” 4.5 7.5 10.5 30
Paint Spray Gun
Impact Wrench, 3/4” 5.25 8.75 12.25 35 (Production) 3.0 5.00 7.00 20
Impact Wrench, 1” 6.75 11.25 15.75 45 ,HAMMERS
Impact Wrench, 1-1/4” 8.25 13.75 19.2 55 Scaling Hammer 1.3 3.0 4.2 12
Die Grinder, Small 2.25 3.75 5.3 15 Chipping Hammer 4.5 7.5 10.5 30
Die Grinder, Medium 3.6 6.0 8.4 24
Riveting Hammer,
Horizontal Grinder, 2” 3.0 5.0 7.0 20 Light 2.25 3.75 5.25 15
Horizontal Grinder, 4” 9.0 15.0 21.0 60 Riveting Hammer,
Heavy 4.5 7.5 10.5 30
Horizontal Grinder, 6” 9.0 15.0 21.0 60
Circular, 8” 6.75 11.25 15.75 45
Horizontal Grinder, 8” 12.0 20.0 28.0 80
Circular, 12” 9.75 16.25 23.8 65
Vertical Grinders and
Sanders, 5” Pad 5.25 8.75 12.25 35 Chain, Lightweight 4.20 7.0 9.8 28
Vertical Grinders and
Sanders, 7” Pad 9.0 15.0 21.0 60 Chain, Heavy Duty 13.1 21.8 30.5 87
Vertical Grinders and
Sanders, 9” Pad 10.5 17.5 24.5 70
Burring Toll, Small 2.25 3.75 5.3 15
Percent Use Factor And
Compressed Air Consumption (CF)
Percent Use Factor And
Compressed Air Consumption (CF)
9 sec 15 sec 21 sec 1 min9 sec 15 sec 21 sec 1 min
Always check with tool manufacturers for actual air consumption of tools being used. The above is based on averages and should not be
considered accurate for any particular make of tool.
Above tools are rated based upon typical “on-load” performance characteristics.
For other values, adjust the C.F. air consumption on a proportional basis.
The cubic feet (C.F.) air consumption for 1 minute may also be expressed as air consumption in cubic feet per minute (C.F.M.)