
Explanation of Reports and Lists
Network Fax 11-11
Explanation of Reports and Lists Chapter 11
Result: OK Shown when communication ended normally.
S-OK Shown when communication was stopped.
PW-OFF Shown when the power switch is turned off.
TEL Shown when there has been an incoming tele-
phone call.
NG Shown when a communication error has oc-
Cont Shown when an error has occurred and the FK-
502 has switched to error page redialing.
No Ans Shown when the destination being called did
not answer.
Busy Shown when unable to complete communica-
tion due to the line being busy.
MDN Marked when an MDN response is erroneous.
DSN Marked when a DSN response is erroneous.
Note: Any of the following remarks may be shown.
ORG: Original size set
FME: Frame Erase
MIX: Mixed size original
BND: Bind Position
SP: Special Original
IPADR: IP Address Fax
I-Fax: Internet Fax