40 ♦ Advanced Features
Day and Night Service
Office telephone systems are typically placed in Night Service after
regular hours, or whenever the last available console is left
Calls then ring alternate answering points—either designated
extensions, or a night bell.
Extension users can dial the Trunk Answer From Any Station
(TAFAS) Code to answer incoming calls ringing the night bell.
If the last available attendant console has not processed a call after
a programmable time-out period, the system is automatically placed
in Night Service 1.
To change the service mode
• Select the appropriate mode from the list in the
Console Status area.
Note: Contact your communications department for information
about where the answer points are and when you should select the
different services.
Do Not Disturb (Extensions)
Extension users usually set and cancel Do Not Disturb (DND) on their
own phones but you may be asked to do it for them. When set, DND
prevents calls from ringing the extension.
To set up Do Not Disturb on behalf of an extension user
1. Select Set Station DND on the Program menu.
2. Enter the extension number using the computer keyboard.
3. Click Yes.
To cancel Do Not Disturb on behalf of an extension user
1. Select Cancel Station DND on the Program menu.
2. Enter the extension number using the computer keyboard.
3. Click Yes.
To cancel Do Not Disturb for all extensions
1. Select Cancel All DND on the Program menu.
2. Click Yes.
3. Click Yes again to confirm the cancellation.
Questions about Day and Night Service
What services are affected by Day or Night Service?
The change from Day to Night service may effect some users depending on
their COS and COR. For example, a user might have a COR that allows
external calls when the system is in Day service but not when in it is in Night
Questions about Do Not Disturb
Why would an extension user want to use Do Not Disturb?
Do Not Disturb prevents most calls from ringing the extension. Only recalls,
overrides, and special trunks dialing in directly to the extension will ring it. If
extension users want protection from tone intrusion (for instance, during a
data call) they should use Call Privacy instead.
What kind of tones does another extension user or attendant get when
calling an extension that has Do Not Disturb set?
They hear slow busy signal. Anyone who is permitted to override the other
extension may then do so.