5000 CP IP DECT Stand Configuration and Administration Guide – Issue 1.0, May 2010 Page 29
The gateway continuously logs information to an internal log buffer. This log can be viewed
using the internal web server or the gateway can be configured to automatically upload the log
files to the boot server.
The configuration parameter VOIP_LOG_AUTO_UPLOAD can be used to control the automatic
uploading of log files.
Log files are named <MAC-addr>_<MMDDHHMMSS>(b).log. The first log file is marked with a
"b” indicating that it is a boot log. The time in the filename is given in GMT.
If using TFTP the boot server must contain a directory named "log” in the root folder. Using
HTTP the MANAGEMENT_UPLOAD_SCRIPT parameter is used to configure a script to handle
file uploads.
The following table lists the possible values for VOIP_LOG_AUTO_UPLOAD.
0 Automatic upload is disabled. (default)
1 Only upload the boot log
2 Continuously upload log files.