AiV C,omponents
Using the remote with ........... 41
A/V Memory Positions
Adjusting the picture ............. 63
Adjusting the sound ............... 68
Customizing ........................... 63
Selecting ................................. 61
A/V Reset Button ....................... 13
A/V System
Adjusting color purity ............ 3 7
Adjusting the picture ............. 63
Adjusting the sound ............... 68
Adjusting video functions ...... 64
Adusting audio functions ...... 69
Customizing the memory
position ............................... 63
Memory positions ................... 61
Selecting the A/V memory
position ............................... 61
Using external audio compo-
nents ................................... 34
Using video mute ................... 59
Adjust Buttons ........................... 17
Advanced Features
Using ...................................... 71
Using UHF ............................. 27
Using VHF ............................. 27
Audio Functions
Adjusting .......................... 68, 69
Balance ................................... 68
Bass ........................................ 68
Descriptions ........................... 68
Listen to .................................. 68
Speaker ................................... 68
Surround ................................ 68
Treble ..................................... 68
Audio Inputs .............................. 22
Audio Outputs ............................ 22
Back Panel
Connections ............................ 22
Background ................................ 64
Balance ....................................... 68
Basic Connections ...................... 24
Bass ............................................ 68
Cable TV
Using remote with ................. 40
Using with a cable box ... 26, 31
Using with an antenna .......... 28
Calling For Service .................... 95
Cancel Button ............................ 17
Caution and Care ....................... 9-ยข
Cleaning your TV ................... 9.4
Channel Controls .................. 13, 17
Adding .................................... 54
Changing ................................ 46
Changing with PIP ................ 87
Deleting .................................. 54 D
Locking ................................... 75
Memorizing ............................ 53
Naming ................................... 58
Using QuickView ................... 48
Using SuperQuickView .. 49, 77
Using the SQV button ........... 7"8
Cleaning you TV ........................ 9'4
Setting .................................... 51 F
Setting the tinter ................... 72
Closed Caption Decoder
Adjusting ................................ 67
Closed Captioning ...................... 66
Adjusting the closed caption H
decoder ............................... 67
Standard captioning .............. 66
Text captioning ...................... 66
Color ........................................... 63
Color Purity
Adjusting ................................ 37
Color Temperature .................... 63
Antenna .................................. 22
Audio inputs ........................... 22
Audio outputs ......................... 22
Back Panel ............................. ?2
S-Video .................................... 22
TV+ cable with a cable box .... 26
TV+ separate UHF and VHF
antennas ............................. 27
TV+ stereo audio system ........ 34 L
TV+VCR+antenna or cable
without a cable box ............ 28
TV+VCR+cable with a cable
box ....................................... _1
Video inputs ........................... 22
Video outputs .......................... 22
Consumer Relations ................... 95
Contrast ..................................... 63
Control Panel ............................. 12
Controls M
Channel .................................. 13
Direction switch ...................... 22
Front panel ............................. 12
Locking the TV ....................... 74
Remote control ....................... 16
Selecting the language .......... 60
Seleting the menu type ......... 55
Turning your TV on/off .......... 44
Understanding the on-screen
displays ............................... 80
Using the on-screen menus .... 50
Volume ................................... 13
Customizing tLe A/V Memory
Position ............................... 63
Degauss Button ......................... 13
Enter Button .............................. 17
Espafiol ....................................... 60
Extended Data Services ............ 80
Fran_ais ...................................... 60
French Language ........................ 60
Home Button .............................. 17
Important Safeguards ................ 3
Information Button .................... 17
Input Button (Front Panel) ....... 13
Input Button (Remote) .............. 17
Audio ...................................... 22
Naming ................................... 57
S-Video ................................... 22
Selecting P]IP source .............. 86
Selecting the input source ..... 45
Video ....................................... 22
Selecting ................................. 60
Listen-To Function .................... 68
Locking Channels ..................... 75
Using the parental lock .......... 71
Locking Your TV ........................ 74
Bypassing the parental lock.. 97
Memorizing channels ................. 53
Selecting tile menu language 60
Selecting tile menu type ........ 55
Menu Butl;on .............................. 17
Index 99