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5.2.2 Start operation method
Start operation is performed according to the following procedure.
(1) Turn on the incremental feed mode signal (S).
(2) Set the manual feed speed, manual feed acceleration constant, and manual feed deceleration constant.
(3) Set the incremental feed movement amount.
(4) Use the movement direction signal (DIR) to set the movement direction of the axis.
When the movement direction signal (DIR) is OFF, the axis moves in the
direction and when it is ON, the
axis moves in the
(5) Turn on the fast start operation signal (FST).
The manual feed speed, manual feed acceleration constant, manual feed
deceleration constant, movement direction signal (DIR), and incremental feed
movement are read at the leading edge of the fast start operation signal
(FST). It follows that after start operation, even if there are changes to the
data or signal, they are ignored.
Only positive numbers are valid for the incremental feed movement amount.
Movement direction is designated by the movement direction signal (DIR).
Use the sscIncStart function to perform procedures (1) to (5) above.
Use the sscGetDriveFinStatus or sscWaitIntDriveFin functions to check
completion of operation.
Use the sscDriveStop or sscDriveStopNoWait functions to perform stop