SW2 setting
Display detail
Explanation for display Unit
LEV-A opening pulse on error occurring
(When it is 100 pulse or more, hundreds digit, tens
digit and ones digit are displayed by turns.)
(Example) When 130 pulse;
0.5 secs. 0.5secs. 2 secs.
Indoor room temperature (TH1) on error
46~102 (8~39°C)
Indoor pipe temperature / Liquid (TH2)
on error occurring
-38~190 (-39~88°C)
(When the temperature is 0˚F or less, “–” and
temperature are displayed by turns.)
(Example) When –15˚F;
0.5 secs. 0.5secs. 2 secs.
Indoor pipe temperature / Cond./ Eva.
(TH5) on error occurring
-38~190 (-39~88°C)
(When the temperature is 0˚F or less, “–” and
temperature are displayed by turns.)
(Example) When –15˚F;
0.5 secs. 0.5secs. 2 secs.
Outdoor pipe temperature / Cond./ Eva.
(TH6) on error occurring
-38~190 (-39~88°C)
(When the temperature is 0˚F or less, “–” and
temperature are displayed by turns.)
(Example) When –15˚F;
0.5 secs. 0.5secs. 2 secs.
Outdoor outside temperature (TH7) on
error occurring
-38~190 (-39~88°C)
(When the temperature is 0˚F or less, “–” and
temperature are displayed by turns.)
(Example) When –15˚F;
0.5 secs. 0.5secs. 2 secs.
Outdoor heatsink temperature (TH8) on
error occurring
-40~327 (-40~164°C)
(When the temperature is 0˚F or less, “–” and
temperature are displayed by turns.)
(When the temperature is 100˚F or more, hundreds
digit, tens digit and ones digit are displayed by
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