7. Remote controller display works nor-
mally and the unit performs heating
operation, however, the capacity
cannot be fully obtained.
1Linear expansion valve fault
Opening cannot be adjusted well due to linear expan-
sion valve fault.
2Refrigerant shortage
3Lack of insulation for refrigerant piping
4Filter clogging
5Heat exchanger clogging
6Air duct short cycle
7Bypass circuit of outdoor unit fault
1 Discharging temperature and indoor heat
exchanger temperature does not rise.
Inspect the failure by checking discharg
ing pressure.
Replace linear expansion valve.
2 If refrigerant leaks, discharging tempera-
ture rises and LEV opening increases.
Inspect leakage by checking the tem per-
ature and opening.
Check pipe connections for gas leakage.
3 Check the insulation.
4 Open intake grill and check the filter.
Clean the filter by removing dirt or dust
on it.
5 If the filter is clogged, indoor pipe tem
perature rises and discharging pressure
increases. Check if heat exchanger is
clogged by inspecting discharging pres-
Clean the heat exchanger.
6 Remove the shield.
7 Check refrigerant system during opera-
8. 1For 3 minutes after temperature
adjuster turns off, the compressor
will not start operating even if
temperature adjuster is turned on.
2For 3 minutes after temperature
adjuster turns on, the compressor
will not stop operating even if
temperature adjuster is turned off.
(Compressor stops operating
immediately when turning off by
the remote controller.)
12Normal operation
(For protection of compressor)
12Normal operation
4. Even controlling by the wireless
remote controller no beep is heard
and the unit does not start operat-
ing. Operation display is indicated
on wireless remote controller.
1The pair number settings of the wireless remote
controller and indoor controller board are mis-
1Check the pair number settings.
5. When operating by the wireless
remote controller, beep sound is
heard, however, unit does not start
1No operation for 2 minutes at most after the power
supply ON.
2Hand-held remote controller operation is prohibited.
• Remote controlling adaptor is connected to CN32
on the indoor controller board.
• Hand-held remote controller operation is prohibited
by centralised controller etc. since it is connected to
3Refer to factor of phenomena No.2 on previous page.
1Normal operation
2Normal operation
3Check the details of phenomena No.2 on
previous page.
6. Remote controller display works
normally and the unit performs
cooling operation, however, the
capacity cannot be fully obtained.
(The air does not cool well.)
1Refrigerant shortage
2Filter clogging
3Heat exchanger clogging
4Air duct short cycle
1 If refrigerant leaks, discharging tempera
ture rises and LEV opening increases.
Inspect leakage by checking the temper-
ature and opening.
Check pipe connections for gas leakage.
2 Open intake grille and check the filter.
Clean the filter by removing dirt or dust
on it.
3 If the filter is clogged, indoor pipe tem
perature rises and discharging pressure
increases. Check if heat exchanger is
clogged by inspecting discharging pres
Clean the heat exchanger.
4 Remove the shield.
OCH429--2.qxp 07.11.20 9:18 AM Page 46