DELETE command erases sections of the program by line number.
RENUM allows the entire program or portions of the program to be
LIST lists all or sections of the program to the screen.
LLIST can list all or sections of the program to the printer.
Help Key
The T-60 is equipped with a powerful HELP feature. By pressing the HELP
key on the T-60’s front panel or F10 on the IBM keyboard while in the BASIC
Interpreter Screen Editor (not running a program), the following screen
The HELP screen consists of three basic sections:
1. TOP of screen. Function keys F7, F8, and F9 scroll through the lists of
available commands for the T-60. F7 generates a list of commands. By
pressing the cursor keys, a command will be highlighted. Pressing Enter
selects the command and displays the help syntax on the screen. F8 and F9
scroll through the list of commands in alphabetical order.
2. MID screen. 5 lines of text which describe the COMMAND that the cursor
was placed on prior to pressing the HELP key, and an example of it’s
Figure 12
Help Screen
T-60 Operator's Manual