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3 Function Specifications
(Servo control signal)
Servo control input (NC to Servo) Servo control output (Servo to NC)
No. Details No. Details
16384 Servo control input 1-0 READY ON command 16480 Servo control output 1-0 In READY ON
16385 Servo control input 1-1 Servo ON command 16481 Servo control output 1-1 In servo ON
16388 Servo control input 1-4
Position loop gain change-
over command
16484 Servo control output 1-4
In position loop gain change-
16390 Servo control input 1-6
Excessive error detection
width changeover com-
16486 Servo control output 1-6
In excessive error detection
width changeover
16391 Servo control input 1-7 Alarm reset command 16487 Servo control output 1-7 In alarm
16392 Servo control input 1-8
Current limit selection com-
16488 Servo control output 1-8 In current limit selection
16492 Servo control output 1-C In in-position
16493 Servo control output 1-D In current limit
16494 Servo control output 1-E In absolute position data loss
16495 Servo control output 1-F In warning
16496 Servo control output 2-0 Z phase passed
16499 Servo control output 2-3 In zero speed
16503 Servo control output 2-7 In external emergency stop
16409 Servo control input 2-9
Speed monitor command
16505 Servo control output 2-9 In speed monitor
16410 Servo control input 2-A In door closed (controller) 16506 Servo control output 2-A In door closed (controller)
16411 Servo control input 2-B
In door closed (all drive
16507 Servo control output 2-B
In door closed (self drive
16416 Servo control input 3-0
Control axis detachment
16512 Servo control output 3-0 In control axis detachment